Cycle syncing eBook & video

Detailed 14 page eBook & video teaching you that through learning about the shifts in your hormones, you can plan your diary and activities to maximise on your natural strengths & harmonise your life.

Includes an ovulation 101 to learn how to check you are ovulating – the main event of your cycle.

$22.00 inc. GST

Find your way back to the best version of you!  Learn about your own unique body symptoms & how to treat them to optimise your hormone health. Simplifying healthy choices to support your digestion, liver, stress & energy. Cyclical living, emotional balancing & key lifestyle factors that will boost your vitality & balance your body

What you get

Do you find your energy levels, perceptions, confidence and appetite change through the month?

Did you know that this is completely normal and a natural fluctuation driven by hormone changes?

This Cycle syncing eBook & video teaches you how aligning with your natural rhythms creates more internal harmony & reduces cyclical symptoms.

Through learning about the shifts in your hormones, you can harmonise your body with the demands of your life.  

You will learn – 

~ Cycles explained – how hormones affect how we feel in relation to the world

~ Where to put our focus in each season of the month to utilise your energy

~ How you can plan your diary, work, study and social life to play to your strengths

~ Foods & herbs that support each cycle phase

~ Ovulation 101 – how to check and know for sure you are ovulating – the most important event of the month