Organic castor oil 100ml

100ml bottle of organic castor oil for carrying out home treatments of this traditional remedy.

Each 100ml bottle comes with a downloadable handout of how to do your own home treatment safely.

$15.00 inc. GST

Find your way back to the best version of you!  Learn about your own unique body symptoms & how to treat them to optimise your hormone health. Simplifying healthy choices to support your digestion, liver, stress & energy. Cyclical living, emotional balancing & key lifestyle factors that will boost your vitality & balance your body

What you get

Castor oil packing is a traditional plant based treatment, and was used as far back as the Egyptians thousands of years ago.
Castor oil can be used for 1:1 self care sessions to use at home.

The correct use of packing treatments on the appropriate body parts can improve circulation, break up adhesions and scar tissue (e.g. Endometriosis, old surgery scars), help the liver to improve detoxification, reduce inflammation and improve a sluggish bowel.
The oil is applied to areas such as the liver or pelvic area, with massage, then heat, and is recommended regularly according to the needs of each individual.

Each 100ml bottle comes with a downloadable handout of how to do your own home treatment safely.

*I only advise using castor oil topically (not ingesting!).