Gift voucher

A gift voucher can be redeemed for any services or events with Mikaela.

Contact Mikaela if you would like to purchase a specific amount – physical vouchers can be posted out to your recipient of choice.

$50.00$300.00 inc. GST

Find your way back to the best version of you!  Learn about your own unique body symptoms & how to treat them to optimise your hormone health. Simplifying healthy choices to support your digestion, liver, stress & energy. Cyclical living, emotional balancing & key lifestyle factors that will boost your vitality & balance your body

What you get

A voucher can be used towards any service or events with Mikaela

  • Naturopathy
  • Nutrition
  • Energetic & herbal body therapies
  • New mama home visits
  • Mayan abdominal massage

Treat someone special, or give new mamas a baby shower gift they will really benefit from!

Contact Mikaela if you would like to purchase a specific amount – physical vouchers can be posted out to your recipient of choice.